maandag 7 april 2008

Oeps! Kijk ons kleine katje nou, gister zat ze bovenin de hoge boom. We hebben de brandweer niet hoeven bellen onze heldin durfde zelf naar beneden te komen.
(Oops! See our little kitten. Yesterday she went all te way up into the tree, straight to the top. We didn't have to call the fire department, our heroin came down all by herself).

9 opmerkingen:

Jenny Oak Fae zei

How lucky that she came down by herself!

About my shoes...I have LOTS of them, so I decided to show a pair / day :)

Then after that, I will show my handbags..!

Have a wonderful day & take care!

/ Jenny


Anoniem zei

Et bien, quelle acrobate !
Comme au cirque en regardant le spectacle, vous deviez etre amusés et apeurés en même temps !
Les photos de ta cuisine sont superbes, j'aime beaucoup
Bonne journée

Anoniem zei

The vista from there on your house should be great! That's why your kitty is so unwise.
Have a great week Yvonne. Anne.

Krawuggl zei

Lucky you and lucky kitten. I remember so well when our kitten once climbed into the chestnut tree and was too scared to come down again. At the end I was scratched and she was crying at my shoulder.
But sometimes bright sunny days also needs some adventures!

Mrs.French zei

I think I would have had a heart attack if my kitties climbed a tree. I just don't think they are agile enough to get down, so I know I would have to call the fire department.

atmosphere zei

Die katjes zijn soms te wild. Durfen wel omhoog, som te hoog, en dan durfen ze zelf niet naar beneden te gaan. En leuke foto!

vosgesparis zei

ik weet niet hoe ik hier terecht kom ,maar sommige namen die op je blog reageren ken ik, maar ik heb niet t idee dat ik jou ken!

Ik ken wel Uzes!! dat ik hier bneden tegenkom,,, jammer dat er geen beocante was toen ik daar vorig jaar lipe , t ziet er prachtig uit.... die stoeltjes..... breng mij maar terug naar Uzes. Je hebt een leuk blog, vreemd dat ik m nooit ben tegen gekomen

Valloittava valkoinen zei

Oh your kitten is so good climber!
And lucky her that she could come down by her self!

Boxwood Cottage zei

Oh my is that high! She is a heroin indeed! Love that blue of the sky it looks amazing!
Warmest wishes from Germany
sends Carol